Austin, TX & Virtual around the World
About Dr. Lipe
Virtual Care for Chronic Conditions
Safe & Sound Protocol
Shockwave Therapy
John Barnes is a globally famous physical therapist who first developed the principle of myofascial release, addressing not just the muscles but the connective tissue that surrounds all the muscles, organs and nerves in our body. His approach, now well backed up my modern research and science, believes that fascia is hugely impactful, responsible for delivering nutrients to the organs and muscles and holding them in proper alignment. It is also capable of absorbing and holding traumas to protect us. Restrictions in fascia can exert up to 3000 lbs of compressive force on anything running through it, causing chronic pain and disfunction. Fascia follows the principle of viscoelasticity and adheres to the piezoelectric effect and Creep Principle. This means that while it can temporarily change shape when subjected to larges forces (deep tissue massage, Airroste, etc), it requires long, sustained pressure of 3-5 minutes in order to create permanent change.
Depression general information
Depression self assessment
Development and validation of a geriatric depression